GreenLab industrial site leasing

Lot A9 - Stiesdal SkyClean

This site is occupied by Stiesdal SkyClean.

The green technology company Stiesdal has decided to place its first 2 MW SkyClean plant in GreenLab. The company's pioneering pyrolysis technology utilizes straw and other agricultural residues to make green fuel and capture and store CO2. The SkyClean plant was built in 2022 and constitutes an important step towards a commercial roll-out of SkyClean.

Today, the factory directly supplies GreenLab Skive Biogas with excess syngas from the SkyClean facility's production, exemplifying GreenLab's unique approach to circular production.

Learn more here

Watch our partner video of the SkyClean facility:


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Commencement and termination

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