Visit GreenLab

Come visit us!

At GreenLab, we are proud of our green industrial park and want to show it to as many people as possible. We have two services for visiting our green industrial park - our open visitor service and our tailored company visits.  

Guide corps:
General visits are handled by our dedicated visitor team. The tour lasts approx. one hour and includes a presentation of GreenLab and a guided tour of the industrial park. 
Please be aware, that it is not possible to make requests for visits handled by our visitor service.

Tailored company Visits:
We also offer tailored visits including presentations, workshops, keynotes and more. Tailored visits with site tours are arranged by our Academy department.  

Get a tour by our guide corps

The tour lasts approx. one hour and includes a presentation of GreenLab and a guided tour of the industrial park.

PLEASE NOTE: The tour does not include visits to the companies in the industrial park or in-depth information about the technologies used.

Check availability here

We provide guided tours for closed groups of a maximum of 50 people - only if available in the booking system.

All tours given by our visitor service is in Danish. 

A guided tour from our visitor service costs 55 DKK/person. The amount is refunded if the visit is cancelled.

Sign up here

Tailored tours by GreenLab professionals

To arrange a tailored company visit, please get in touch with our Head of Academy, Christian Dalgaard Sørensen: