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In June 2024, Villum Foundation donated DKK 25 million to support the ongoing research collaboration between DTU, Danish universities, and G...
Lucia Mortensen tiltræder 1. februar som ny forsknings- og uddannelseschef hos GreenLab. Med en stærk akademisk baggrund i industrielle symb...
Lucia Mortensen will take on the role of Head of Research and Education at GreenLab starting February 1st. With a strong academic background...
Der er sat strøm til danmarkshistoriens første kollektive micro-grid, idet der fra 1. januar er trådt en balanceringsaftale imellem Norlys E...
Denmark's first collective micro-grid is now operational following the implementation of a balancing agreement between Norlys Energy Trading...
GreenLab’s Research Community Days started as an experiment to provide a forum for researchers and companies involved in GreenLab projects....
Klima-, energi- og forsyningsminister Lars Aagaard besøgte mandag d. 26/8 GreenLab sammen med klima-, energi- og forsyningsordfører for SF,...
Thomas Helsgaun, currently the COO at GreenLab, has been appointed as the new CEO of GreenLab in Skive. GreenLab has seen significant growth...
Thomas Helsgaun, der i dag er driftsdirektør i GreenLab, bliver ny administrerende direktør i GreenLab i Skive. GreenLab er de seneste år vo...
In an announcement at the Breakthrough Energy Summit, Danish GreenLab and Rondo Energy proudly announced financial closing (FID) on a large-...
The Villum Foundation has granted 25 million to continue the research collaboration between Danish universities and GreenLab, the green indu...
On May 16th, GreenLab hosted its largest Research Community Day, bringing together 50 participants from various companies and universities....
GreenLab has invested 160 million DKK in green infrastructure that involves establishing a new transformer station in the industrial park, a...
Soon, companies, educational institutions, and researchers can gain practical experience with Power-to-X at GreenLab. By the end of the year...
A newly launched international fellowship program is set to facilitate research projects at the intersection of the agricultural and energy...
Eurowind Energy and GreenLab have today entered into a 10-year electricity purchase agreement (PPA) that ensures renewable energy for busine...
Is the final agreement after COP28 an occasion to get out the kleenex or the champagne? I believe there is more reason to laugh than to cry,...
How will tomorrow’s energy system look? What needs to change, and how can we create the right conditions for green investments, new business...
The GreenLab Innovation Foundation was established in August 2023 and has now been approved by the Danish Business Authority. The foundation...
In a recently published report from UNIDO – the United Nations’ Industrial Development Organization – GreenLab in Skive is highlighted as an...
Organic Fuel Technology is GreenLab's newest site partner. A large demonstration facility in GreenLab's green industrial park will be crucia...
On 3 May, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Trade Council in North America, the American infrastructure company SixCo and the Danish green ind...
Klumme af Annette Vestergaard Christensen, Finance Director, GreenLab. Grøn omstilling kræver investeringer i umoden teknologi, facilite...
Evida har sat spaden i jorden til den første rørførte brintinfrastruktur i GreenLab ved Skive. Rørene skal fyldes med grøn brint fra Power-t...
Der blev afholdt generalforsamling i GreenLab onsdag d. 12/4, og der var udbredt tilfredshed med den store aktivitet og udvikling, GreenLab...
The European project GreenHyScale has begun the installation process of a 6 MW prototype electrolyser in the Danish green industrial park, G...
Installationen af en 6 MW elektrolyse-prototype i industriparken GreenLab i Skive er netop påbegyndt. Leverancen er en del af GreenHyScale-p...
The next major construction project in GreenLab will be an innovation center to house a number of research and education activities, be the...
Det næste store byggeprojekt i GreenLab bliver et innovationscenter, der skal huse en række forsknings- og uddannelsesaktiviteter, være saml...
Researchers from five research projects will test and demonstrate solutions for producing, sharing, and storing energy. The VILLUM FOUNDATIO...
Aalborg Universitet og GreenLab underskriver i dag en formel samarbejdsaftale, der danner grundlaget for en fælles forskningsplatform. Fokus...
Ejerforholdene i GreenLab er ændret efter Norlys’ betydelige investering i slutningen af 2022. Dermed sker der også ændringer i GreenLabs be...
Following Norlys' significant investment at the end of 2022, the ownership in GreenLab has changed. This also means changes in GreenLab's bo...
With a new investment of DKK 250 million and an existing investment of DKK 85 million, Norlys is now the main owner of GreenLab. The investm...
Med en ny investering på 250 millioner kroner og en eksisterende på 85 millioner kroner bliver Norlys ny hovedejer i GreenLab. Pengene gør d...
We live in a world where the challenges we face are highly complex – and complex problems call for new kinds of solutions. That’s why GreenL...
COP27 has left me with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it proved as hard as always to make the entire world agree on a climate agreement wi...
For the first time in GreenLab, it is now possible for two companies to share their excess energy. The sharing will begin when a heat connec...
Velviljen overfor Power-to-X-projekter er stor i disse år, men PtX-projekterne har et problem, som få taler om: Den betydelige mængde varme,...
Thomas Hagelund Helsgaun is leaving his position as Managing Director for Maersk Training to take on the role of Chief Operating Officer in...
Evida, Vestjyllands Andel and GreenLab are now building the first piped hydrogen infrastructure in a test area that will connect the GreenHy...
Evida, Vestjyllands Andel og GreenLab anlægger nu det første rørførte brintinfrastruktur i et testområde, der skal forbinde GreenHyScale pro...
GreenLab has just welcomed 80MW of renewable energy to the green industrial park. Through a direct connection, it will supply wind power to...
Three new research projects to develop solutions for creating an optimal green industrial park....
Man kan ikke tale om Danmarks Power-to-X strategi uden også at tale om brintinfrastruktur. Men infrastrukturen handler om meget mere end at...
Unwasted ApS has signed an agreement with GreenLab in preparation for building its first full-scale production site in the green industrial...
GreenLab har netop indgået et skelsættende læringspartnerskab med Energinet. Sammen skal GreenLab og Energinet skabe en innovationsplatform,...
Norlys, Spar Vest Fonden og Klimafonden Skive tilfører tilsammen 100 millioner kroner til den grønne industripark. Pengene danner grundlag f...
Vedvarende energi er i eksponentiel vækst, og der er en forventning om, at kapaciteten tager endnu mere fart frem mod 2026, viser en ny rapp...
Hvad vil det koste at transportere brint i fremtidens energisystem? Og er det teknisk muligt at forbinde producenter og forbrugere med rørfø...
I dag blev Stiesdals nye SkyClean anlæg indviet med deltagelse af både H.K.H. Kronprins Frederik, klima-energi og forsyningsminister Dan Jør...
Spearheaded by DTU and GreenLab Skive, Danish universities will use concrete projects to show how we can solve climate challenges....
SparVest Fonden donerer DKK 30 millioner til opførelsen af GreenLabs Innovationscenter. Den ambitiøse bygning skal fungere som omdrejningspu...
Metanisering af biogas er ikke den smukkeste løsning på den grønne omstilling, men den gør det muligt at fortrænge russisk naturgas midt i e...
Flere anerkendte aktører på tværs af energikæden har sat gang i en undersøgelse af, hvordan brintinfrastruktur kan binde forbrugere og produ...
Are you curious about the discussions that took place in the GreenLab Summit workshops this year? Do you want to know about the highlights a...
Aarhus Universitet og GreenLab underskriver i dag en formel samarbejdsaftale, der danner grundlaget for en fælles forskningsplatform. Fokus...
Torsdag d. 28/10 er GreenLab vært for det årlige GreenLab Summit, hvor tæt på 200 GreenLab partnere og en række prominente keynote speakers...
October 12th marks the official kick-off of the GreenHyScale project whose purpose is to explore large-scale production of green hydrogen. T...
Når der i dag er generalforsamling i GreenLab Skive, er det med indtrædelse af to nye medlemmer i bestyrelsen – Anne Zachariassen, COO i Aar...
I dag tages første spadestik til Stiesdals SkyClean pilotanlæg i GreenLab, Skive. Anlægget skal både lave biobrændstof og vise, hvordan rest...
Thanks to a multi-million-pound funding made by Skive investors, the road has been paved for the British company Unwasted Ltd. to build its...
The green technology company Stiesdal has decided to place its first 2 MW SkyClean plant in GreenLab near Skive. The company's pioneering py...
Den grønne teknologivirksomhed Stiesdal har valgt at placere sit første 2 MW SkyClean-anlæg i GreenLab ved Skive. Virksomhedens banebrydende...
Nyt forskningssamarbejde skal give smarte grønne energiløsninger til Danmark og resten af verden. Danske universiteter med DTU i spidsen og...
Den grønne omstilling stiller krav om specialiseret arbejdskraft, og efterspørgslen på maskinmestre er stigende. Derfor har GreenLab Skive n...
In a historic decision, the Danish government has designated “GreenLab” as an official regulatory energy test zone. The test zone permit giv...
In connection to the EU Green Deal 2.2 funding call, the consortium partners are currently in preparation of the Grant Agreement with CINEA...
GreenLab er af regeringen udnævnt til officiel regulatorisk testzone. Med testzonetilladelsen giver Energistyrelsen GreenLab dispensation fo...
Torsdag den 25. marts bliver den grønne industri- og energipark GreenLab Skive indviet som nyt nationalt forskningscenter, når Danmarks Tekn...
The green energy park GreenLab in Skive has both the facilities and the technologies to deliver on Europe’s green climate promises. Ther...
A series of key players are ready to make the green transition happen, full throttle. This was made clear by the PtX hearing in the Danish P...
Power-to-X is on everyone’s lips these days and indeed, the new technology offers promising prospects for storing renewable energy and green...
The European Union just launched their biggest ever financial recovery plan to help European economies and businesses regain their strength...
Christopher Sorensen has been invited to participate in the work to make Europe carbon neutral by 2050. He joins the roundtable on Hydrogen...
Meet Everfuel – the GreenLab partner that is on a mission to develop a European-wide offering of hydrogen supply and fueling solutions by 20...
Dan Jørgensen, the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities visited GreenLab to have a look at GreenLab Skive Biogas and hear about...
In our series of articles about GreenLab’s P2X partners, we now zoom in on REintegrate. REintegrate produces eMethanol from the CO2 that com...
Grass4Food is a collaboration between several partners and will soon be ready to produce protein from grass in a new pilot plant located in...
Here, we continue our series of articles that introduce you to GreenLab’s P2X partners. Today we meet Green Hydrogen Systems, who are respon...
The Danish Parliament just made a climate agreement which promises further financing of P2X. At GreenLab, we work specifically with research...
This article kicks off a series of articles that will introduce you to some of GreenLab’s P2X partners. We thought it made sense to start at...
Denmark’s Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Simon Kollerup, visited GreenLab today to see for himself how a grant of DKK...
GreenLab just received a grant of €10,7 million from the Danish Energy Agency’s funds for energy storage. The purpose of the grant is to cem...
Everyone is talking about the promising perspectives of a thing called PtX. But what does it stand for, why does it get all the hype, and wh...
The utilities company Eniig, Skive Municipality and Spar Vest Fonden will enter GreenLab Skive A/S. This means ownership will be clearly roo...
On Monday afternoon, Denmark’s minister for energy, utilities and climate, Mr. Lars Christian Lilleholt, once again paid a visit to GreenLab...
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has entered into collaboration on establishing a new digital infrastructure, which will, among oth...
More muscle to further develop the GreenLab Skive business park – and find practical solutions to the global challenges of transforming exis...
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy and Energifonden Skive have signed an agreement to jointly explore eco-friendly ammonia production as a way...
The coming High Voltage (HV) centre at GreenLab Skive will pave the way for a dynamic, special-purpose education and training environment th...
On 16 April 2018 it was made official: the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and GreenLab Skive signed a formal agreement for strategic...
Quantafuel, headquartered in Lysaker near Olso, Norway, has got the excavators going in Denmark. On Thursday, 19 April 2018, Quantafuel bega...
On 16 April, Danish Marine Protein broke ground at GreenLab Skive. The company converts starfish into organic protein, and its new plant wil...