GreenLab's Research Community is growing

GreenLab's Research Community is growing

On May 16th, GreenLab hosted its largest Research Community Day, bringing together 50 participants from various companies and universities. This event provided an opportunity for attendees to discuss specific challenges within industry and research, planting the seeds for potential research projects aimed at addressing these issues.

A day of brainstorming and knowledge sharing
GreenLab's research team organized a day filled with brainstorming sessions, knowledge sharing, and the development of tangible project ideas. Participants included researchers from Denmark’s leading technical universities (DTU, AAU, AU, and SDU), Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering, and industry partners such as Niras and FORCE Technologies. Additionally, several companies from GreenLab’s industrial park, including Quantafuel, Stiesdal, Vestjyllands Andel, and Green Hydrogen Systems, were represented.

Ebbe Kruse Vestergaard, Research Director at GreenLab, expressed his enthusiasm for the event: "It is fantastic to see so many researchers and companies united around a common agenda. This creates a strong foundation for developing future energy solutions together and strengthens GreenLab’s role as a facilitator and catalyst for innovation."

Practical research for real-world problems
GreenLab’s research team regularly hosts Research Community Days to foster dialogue between industry and academia, aligning with GreenLab’s mission to conduct practical, mission-driven research that addresses complex real-world problems.

Lucia Mortensen, a researcher at AAU, noted: "GreenLab’s research platform is a unique forum for collaboration. It attracts and engages various industries and knowledge institutions across sectors. This allows us as researchers to exchange ideas and develop new research that addresses industrial challenges and makes a real difference.”

Enhancing industry-academia collaboration
Henrik Nørskov Pedersen, a business developer at Stiesdal, emphasized the value of GreenLab’s Research Community: "Being part of GreenLab’s research community is crucial for us. The knowledge sharing and collaboration with researchers enable us to tackle challenges and achieve results that would not be possible alone."

By bringing together industry and researchers, GreenLab identifies challenges and problems within the industry that can be elevated to a level where research projects not only solve a single company’s issue but also benefit similar industrial actors.

A fall workshop is already in the planning stages, where researchers and companies will meet again to further develop identified challenges and translate them into concrete research projects.


Contact Information

For more information, please contact: Linda Fejerskov, Communications Lead, Phone: +45 29 81 17 22, Email: