
Flex-PtX – optimizing PtX through flexible operation

Watch Nichlas Fatras explain the Flex-PtX project. 

PtX is a fundamental prerequisite for sector coupling between the electricity system and energy-intensive sectors. This project aims to evaluate the feasibility of PtX-production facilities to participate in electricity markets through flexible operations. The specific focus is on the potential conflict between fuel (X) production and operational cost. 

Project Results
The project’s conclusion is that no single market participation strategy consistently performs best. To maximize market benefits, consumers should adopt adaptive strategies tailored to changing market and operational conditions. Generally, strategies that engage in two to three submarkets tend to perform better. Therefore, Power-to-X facilities are encouraged to participate in multiple submarkets simultaneously to better meet their diverse and sometimes conflicting operational needs. 

What the researchers think 
“The GreenLab team has been attentive to researchers' needs and open to input from the research community. The GreenLab Research Community days provided excellent opportunities to network and engage in inspiring brainstorming sessions. Researchers aiming to solve real-world problems with innovative case studies would greatly benefit from collaborating with GreenLab," says Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen, PhD, Center Manager at SDU. 

Funding Agency: 

villum foundaiton logo


Project Contact

Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
PhD Center Manager
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute
SDU Center for Energy Informatics

GreenLab Contact

Eoghan Rattigan
Industrial Sustainability Scientist
+45 81 10 41 88

Project timeframe

Starts: 01.02.2022
Ends: 31.01.2023

Project result

Scientific Article

Scientific Article

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