Molten Salt as Thermal Storage

Molten Salt as thermal storage

Watch Sajjad Mahmoudi Nezhad explain the molten salt project 

In the Molten Salt project, the research team will test if salt can be used as thermal storage that can power a steam generation system. The aim is to develop an optimal design for a system which can supply sustainable steam for industrial processes. 

Project Results: 
The project concluded that NaOH is an ideal salt for high-temperature heat storage due to its low cost, thermal stability at temperatures over 700°C, and high resistance to corrosion. The proposed system includes high- and low-temperature molten salt storage tanks and a kettle boiler. The optimal design for the kettle boiler using NaOH was developed and evaluated both technically and economically in a case study in Denmark. 

What the researchers think: 
The one-year project on enabling molten salt energy storage for constant steam production at GreenLab, funded by the Villum Foundation (2022-2023), benefited greatly from GreenLab's support. Their promotion of cooperation among project partners and sharing of key findings during Research Community days was invaluable. GreenLab's communication efforts were crucial in launching the project and ensuring the results reached the right partners,” says Sajjad Mahmoudi Nezhad, postdoc at Aalborg University.

Funding Agency: 

villum foundaiton logo

Project Contact

Sjjad Nahmoudi Nezhad
Postdoc at Aalborg University
+45 93 56 21 45

GreenLab Contact

Eoghan Rattigan

Industrial Sustainability Scientist
+45 81 10 41 88

Project timeframe

Starts: 01.02.2022
Ends: 31.01.2023


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